

ACAD9 3'UTR Luciferase Stable Cell Line

产品名称: ACAD9 3'UTR Luciferase Stable Cell Line
产品型号: TU000129
产品展商: ABM
产品价格: 0.00 元
产品文档: 无相关文档


ACAD9 3'UTR Luciferase Stable Cell Line ACAD9 3'UTR Luciferase Stable Cell Line 上海 安徽 合肥 ABM细胞库

ACAD9 3'UTR Luciferase Stable Cell Line  的详细介绍
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Full Name acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family, member 9
Alias NPD002, MGC14452
Accession No. NM_014049
Description One of the most reliable, quantitative assays for the suppression of target genes by a specific miRNA is the utilization of a reporter gene such as luciferase or GFP. abm offers a complete collection of HEK293 cell lines stably expressing the 3'UTR region of all human genes, with a choice of luciferase or GFP as the reporter gene. The interaction between a specific miRNA and its target 3'UTR region can be evaluated by the downstream reporter gene expression (i.e. decrease in Luc/GFP expression). These 3'UTR Stable Cell Lines represent a valuable research tool for validating miRNA regulation of gene expression.
Vector pLenti-UTR-Luc
Thawing Protocol
Subculturing Protocol
Freezing Protocol
Disclaimer 1. The CoA for this product (provided upon request) verifies the cell-type specific gene expression via RT-PCR only. All test parameters provided in the CoA are conducted using abm's standardized culture system and procedures. The stated values may vary under the end-user's culture conditions. Please verify that the product is suitable for your studies by referencing published papers or ordering RNA (0.5ug, cat#C207) or cell lysate (100ug, cat#C206) to perform preliminary experiments. All sales are final.
2. We strongly recommend live cell shipments for ease of cell transfer and this option can be requested at the time of ordering. Please note that the end-user will need to evaluate the feasibility of live cell shipment by taking into account the final destination's temperature variation and its geographical location. In addition, we thoroughly test our cell lines for functional freeze-thaw recovery. If frozen cells were received and not recovered in your lab under the exact, specified conditions (using recommended culture vessel, media, additional supplements, and atmospheric conditions), a live cell replacement is possible at a cost (plus shipping).
3. All of abm's cell biology products are for research use ONLY and NOT for therapeutic/diagnostic applications. abm is not liable for any repercussions arising from the use of its cell biology product(s) in therapeutic/diagnostic application(s). Please contact a technical service representative for more information.
ACAD9 3'UTR Luciferase Stable Cell Line;ACAD9 3'UTR Luciferase Stable Cell Line;ACAD9 3'UTR Luciferase Stable Cell LineACAD9 3'UTR Luciferase Stable Cell LineACAD9 3'UTR Luciferase Stable Cell Line;ACAD9 3'UTR Luciferase Stable Cell Line
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