

Enhanced Primary Human Hepatocytes - 5 million

产品名称: Enhanced Primary Human Hepatocytes - 5 million
产品型号: T5996
产品展商: ABM
产品价格: 0.00 元
产品文档: 无相关文档


Enhanced Primary Human Hepatocytes - 5 million Enhanced Primary Human Hepatocytes - 5 million 上海 安徽 合肥 ABM细胞库

Enhanced Primary Human Hepatocytes - 5 million  的详细介绍
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Description Enhanced Primary Human Hepatocytes are expanded primary cells which retains the physiologically relevant profile and phenotype of primary hepatocytes. These cells are ready-to-use for applications in research and development, such as viral infections, screening, co-cultures, transient transfection, and for metabolism studies. The late expansion cells are tested for CYP induction and inhibition. It is not recommended for further extensive passaging after thawing but can be used for long term culture which is necessary for cell-based assays.
Procedure Overview
BioSafety Level II
Organism Homo sapiens
Source Organ Liver
Growth Properties Adherent
Morphology Polygonal
Recommended Seeding Density 10,000 cells/cm2
Applications For Research Use Only
Propagation Use of Applied Cell Extracellular Matrix (G422) is required for cell adhesion to the culture vessels. Grow cells in ECM-coated culture vessels with the following conditions. We strongly recommend end users to purchase the Applied Cell Extracellular Matrix (G422) to coat your cell culture vessels. Use the ready-to-use Hepatocyte Thawing Medium (TM5996-1; 50ml) and the Enhanced Primary Human Hepatocytes Media Kit (TM5996) which comes with the Hepatocyte Growth Basal Medium (TM5996-2; 500 ml), and Hepatocyte Growth Supplement Mix (TM5996-3) available from abm . Atmosphere: air: 95%, CO?: 5%; Temperature: 37.0°C.

To make complete Hepatocyte Growth Basal Medium add the entire content of Hepatocyte Growth Supplement Mix (TM5996-3) into Hepatocyte Growth Basal Medium (TM5996-2) and mix properly. Addition of the Hepatocyte Growth Supplement Mix may change medium appearance more opaque.

To make complete Hepatocyte Growth Basal Medium add the entire content of Hepatocyte Growth Supplement Mix (TM5996-3) into Hepatocyte Growth Basal Medium (TM5996-2) and mix properly. Addition of the Hepatocyte Growth Supplement Mix may change medium appearance more opaque.

To thaw:

1. Pre-warm Hepatocyte Thawing Medium and fully supplemented Hepatocyte Growth Medium to room temperature.

2. Carefully remove cryovial from storage tank.

3. Thaw cells in 37°C water bath until only a small chunk of ice is left. Do not shake the vial, or take it out of the water during thawing, as this will damage the cells.

4. Spray the vial and the tube containing 50 ml of thawing medium with 70% ethanol and transfer to a Biosafety cabinet.

5. Transfer the now completely thawed cell suspension from the cryovial into 50 ml Hepatocyte Thawing Medium by gently pouring the cells into the medium.

6. Use a 1 ml pipette to transfer 1 ml of the thawing medium back to the cryovial and pour the contents back into the 50 ml tube. Repeat this process twice to completely remove the cells from the cryovial.

7. Pellet the cells by centrifuging at 90×g for 5 min at RT. Important note: Higher g-forces will significantly reduce cell recovery.

8. Aspirate the supernatant without disturbing the pellet. Leave approximately 200-400 μl medium on top of the cells. 9. Gently loosen and re-suspend the cells without adding any extra medium by agitating and rotating the tube. Do not vortex or shake the cells as this will compromise cell survival.

10. Add an appropriate volume of pre-warmed supplemented Hepatocyte Growth Medium to the pellet (~1ml per million cells thawed) and re-suspend the cells. Avoid pipetting the cells up and down.

11. Determine viable cell number by cell count.

12. Dilute hepatocytes in pre-warmed, fully supplemented Hepatocyte Growth Medium and seed at ~10,000 cells/cm2in collagen coated cell culture flasks (e.g. T175) or appropriate cell culture dishes.

13. Incubate the cells at 95% humidity, 37°C and 5% CO2.

Subculturing To Subculture:


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合肥星肽生物科技有限公司是一家致力于生命科学和生物技术领域的高科技企业,公司地址位于科教名城———合肥市。公司主营多肽合成、多肽定制多肽纯化多肽制备多肽技术服务。在合肥市与中科院的关怀下,2021年初合肥市高新区与中科院分别与合肥星肽生物科技有限公司签订了战略投资协议。 公司位于合肥市高新区安徽中科资城创业孵化器A区,拥有2000平方米独立研发中心以及无菌实验室,四条完善的多肽生产线,配备了Waters LC- MS/MS、Waters UPLC、Waters 全自动纯化仪、岛津LCMS、全自动冻干系统、紫外分光光度计等专用精密仪器保障合肥星肽生物科技有限公司月产3000条精品多肽的生产能力,这些得以让我们可以为客户快速准确的提供各种高质量的多肽产品及服务。 合肥合肥星肽生物科技有限公司始终致力于为您的实验研究提供高品质、稳定性良好的产品,“做您身边的多肽合成专家”一直是每个合肥星肽生物科技有限公司人的目标与方向,励志作为多肽合成行业标准的风向标。公司拥有100余人的专业团队,其中博士研究生、硕士研究生10余人。在此基础上公司配备了一套包含从售前到售后的专业团队,力争做到每个环节都“清晰明了”,对每一个问题都“吹毛求疵”,让您的实验变得更加简单,正是凭借这样的信仰和扎实的多肽合成技术优势,合肥星肽生物科技有限公司已经成为国内外高校与众多生物医药企业诚信的合作伙伴和坚强的技术后盾。 公司秉承“专业锻造品质,服务打造市场”的经营理念,为国内广大客户提供专业的前沿产品、合理的价格、便捷的物流服务。 公司自成立以来,一直致力于多肽合成、多肽定制、多肽纯化等多肽制备多肽技术服务的研究。帮助客户缩短科研周期、节省试验成本,使客户的科学研究具有持续性。 实验室配备一支年轻、专业、富有创造精神且经验丰富的技术团队。 合肥星肽生物科技有限公司目前跟国内外企业有着友好的合作往来。斯坦福大学,牛津大学,北京大学,清华大学,天津大学,浙江大学,中科大,香港理工大学,以及中科院遗传所,过程所,化学所,生物细胞所,微生物所等,北京军科院**医学研究所,武汉病毒研究所等有稳定合作。


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