

CRISPR Stable Knockin Cell Line Generation

产品名称: CRISPR Stable Knockin Cell Line Generation
产品型号: C408
产品展商: ABM
产品价格: 0.00 元
产品文档: 无相关文档


CRISPR Stable Knockin Cell Line Generation CRISPR Stable Knockin Cell Line Generation 上海 安徽 合肥 ABM细胞库

CRISPR Stable Knockin Cell Line Generation  的详细介绍
Knock-in Data

Fluorescence image of HEK293 cell line showing RFP knock-in using CRISPR CAS:9 mediated homology directed repair mechanism. Left: RFP knock-in at the AAVS1 (Safe-harbor site) locus. Right: RFP knock-in at a non-AAVS1 site (random insertion).
Service Details
Our Basic Package (C408) Includes Deliverables Lead Time
A. Target DNA Vector Creation
  • gRNA Design and Construction (2-4 gRNAs)
  • Donor DNA Construction (knock-in or point mutation)
- 5-8 weeks
B. Cell Culture, Transfection, Optimization - 3-5 weeks
C. Clonal Selection and Screening
  • KI Confirmation by PCR or Sequencing
- 9-12 weeks
D. Clonal expansion and cryopreservation Genetically Engineered Cell Line (up to 2 vials 1x106 cells/vial) and Custom Report 3-4 weeks

Add-On Services^ Quantity Cat. No. Price
Cell Line of Your Choice for Gene Editing# 1 Cell Line C141 $800.00
WT Control Cell Line Expressing CAS:9 for Comparison
(50% discount for academic customers if ordered with the basic package)
1 Cell Line C142 $1,590.00
Additional Clones 1 Clone C143 $250.00
Additional Vials of Delivered Clones 1 Vial C144 $80.00
Validation Service by Western Blot (Up to 10 Clones)## 1 Service C145 $975.00
Off-Target Analysis by Whole Genome Sequencing Per Clone C146 $4,000.00
Additional rounds of selection and screening by Sanger Sequencing 1 Screening C147 $835.00
HA Tag Validation (Up to 10 Clones)# 1 Service C191 $150.00
STR Profiling of WT and Knock-in cells
(50% discount if ordered with the basic package)
1 Service C287 $150.00

Using CRISPR to Knock-in Red Fluorescent Protein (RFP) gene into Human Embryonic Kidney Cells at the AAVS1 Safe Harbour Site

  • After these passages puromycin was added to the media to select for cells with successful knock-in of the RFP-puromycin resistance CAS:sette.
  • After 3-4 weeks of selection, >95% of HEK293 cells were expressing RFP.

Figure 3. After transfection, HEK293 cells were passaged ten times to dilute out the episomal vector, then grown in the presence of puromycin for 4 weeks. Top Left) Cells transfected with both pCAS:-Guide-AAVS1 and pAAVS1-RFP-DNR were healthy after 4 weeks. Top Right) Over 95% of these cells imaged expressed RFP. Bottom Left) Control cells not transfected with the vectors died after puromycin treatment.

Phase #3: Confirmation of Knock-in by Genomic PCR
  • To confirm knock-in of RFP in the genomic DNA, a primer pair was designed with Primer 1 targeting the 5’ homology arm upstream of RFP and Primer 2 targeting within the RFP-Puromycin resistance CAS:sette.
  • PCR product of 1.1 kb indicates successful knock-in at AAVS1 site; absence of PCR amplification indicates unsuccessful CAS:sette insertion (Figure 4).
  • No PCR amplification was seen in the control cells (‘WT cell’) since Primer 2 could not anneal to the genomic DNA.

Figure 4. Genomic PCR was used to confirm the knock-in of RFP. In edited cells, both primer 1 and primer 2 can bind, resulting in a 1.1 kb PCR product. No PCR product is formed in WT cells as primer 2 cannot anneal to the genomic DNA.

关键字  CRISPR Stable Knockin Cell Line Generation;CRISPR Stable Knockin Cell Line Generation;CRISPR Stable Knockin Cell Line Generation;CRISPR Stable Knockin Cell Line Generation;CRISPR Stable Knockin Cell Line GenerationCRISPR Stable Knockin Cell Line Generation

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