
产品名称 产品型号 产品厂商 资料下载
Rat Primary Pulmonary Fibroblasts T4801
Rat Primary Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells T4802
Mouse Primary Intestinal Microvascular Endothelial Cells T4561
Mouse Primary Intestinal Smooth Muscle Cells T4562
Mouse Primary Rectal Smooth Muscle Cells T4563
Human Primary Intestinal Microvascular Endothelial Cells T4210
Human Primary Intestinal Smooth Muscle Cells T4211
Human Primary Rectal Smooth Muscle Cells T4212
Rat Primary Intestinal Smooth Muscle Cells T4862
Rat Primary Rectal Smooth Muscle Cells T4863
Human Primary Tonsil Endothelial Cells T4191
Mouse Primary Cochlear Endothelial Cells T4577
Mouse Primary Cochlear Pericytes T4576
Mouse Primary Cochlear Perivascular Resident Macrophate-type Melanocytes (PVM/M T4575
Stable Cell Line Generation Service C056
Rat Cell Line Authentication Service C312
CRISPR Stable Knockin Cell Line Generation C408
Cell Line Species of Origin Detection C323
Immortalized Mouse Erythoid Progenitor Cell Line (CD36E) - HPV16 E6/E7 T0136
NF-kB Luciferase Stable RAW264.7 Cell Line T3015
EPHA7 Stable Ba/F3 Cell Line T3069
TrkA Stable T17 Cell Line T3158
TrkB Stable T48 Cell Line T3159
Luciferase Stable U87MG/ΔEGFR Cell Line T3009
CAS:9 Expressing 293 Cell Line T3252
CAS:9 Expressing A549 Cell Line T3253
CAS:9 Expressing HeLa Cell Line T3254
CAS:9 Expressing HepG2 Cell Line T3256
CAS:9 Expressing MCF7 Cell Line T3257
CAS:9 Expressing K562 Cell Line T3258
Custom Cell Immortalization Service C195
Immortalized Human Cord Blood Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (cbMSC-hTERT) T0016
Immortalized Human Cord Blood Mesenchymal Stromal Cells with RFP (cbMSC-hTERT-R T0017
Immortalized Human Umbilical Artery Endothelial Cells T0011
Immortalized Human Umbilical Artery Smooth Muscle Cells T0012
Immortalized Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells - SV40 T0014

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